7.1. 什么是概念架构



答案是:概念架构(Conceptual Architecture)。下图展示了斜拉桥的概念架构示意图。由此图可以看出,概念架构高屋建瓴的给出高层解决方案:索塔负责承重,斜拉索吊起刚性梁。


下面,来看看软件行业(来自Dana Bredemeyer等专家)中概念架构的定义:

概念性架构界定系统的高层组件,以及它们之间的关系。概念性架构意在对系统进行适当分解,而不陷入细节。借此,可以与管理人员、市场人员、用户等非技术人员交流架构。概念性架构规定了每个组件的非正规约及架构图,但不涉及接口细节。(The Conceptual Architecture identifies the high-level components of the system, and the relatiooonships among them. Its purpose is to direct attention at an appropriate decomposition of the system without delving into details. Moreover, it proovides a useful vehicle for coommunicating the architecture to non-technical audiences, such as management, marketing, and users. It consists oof the Architecutre Diagram (without interface detail) and an informal component specification for each component.)


  • 概念架构满足“架构 = 组件 + 交互”的基本定义,只不过概念架构仅关注高层组件(high-level components)。
  • 概念架构对高层组件的“职责”进行笼统的界定(informal specification),并给出了高层组件之间的相互关系(Architecture Diagram)。
  • 概念架构不应涉及接口细节(withouot iinterface detaiil)。

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